Moss and Meadow is not responsible for ensuring the recipient is home to receive the flowers.
M &M is not responsible for how the weather conditions may affect the flowers. Californira either during the wait to be brought inside or once brought inside.
Should a timed delivery be requested we will endeavor to comply with the request but cannot be bound in any way to honor such a request.
For same day delivery we must receive your order by 1:00pm PST. We do not deliver on Saturdays or Sundays (with the exception of Valentine’s Day & Mothers Day).
When incorrect personal and delivery details have been supplied, delays in delivery may result, therefore please ensure that you have included the full address details of the intended recipient as well as your daytime telephone number/e-mail address so that we can notify you in the event that any delivery problems occur.
Whilst we will make every effort to ensure that delivery is made on the requested date you acknowledge that in very rare circumstances delivery on the requested terms will not be possible. In this event you will be given prior notice wherever possible and we shall either make alternative arrangements or shall refund your payment in full.
In the instance of there being difficulties in delivering your order to the intended recipient we reserve the right to contact the recipient using the contact details you provide. Should the recipient not be home, we will place in a safe place, in the shade and follow up with a text to the provided recipient number.
In the instance of not being able to execute delivery due to missing information, incomplete address, order being refused by recipient, nobody available at address, not being able to find neighbors to accept delivery, we may resend new order minus redelivery costs when delivery becomes possible.
if redelivery not requested we may at our discretion refund order value minus delivery costs if original delivery has been attempted
M & M includes care instructions with every flower order and is not responsible for how flowers are taken care of once received.
Client acknowledges that this is a perishable item with a limited lifespan, that requires proper care in order to live.
All refund requests must be accompanied by photographic evidence and details on environment conditions. Refunds will not be considered without visual proof.
Complaints must be made within the 3 days after delivery.